Monday, 30 June 2014

Undo the day

Undo the day that I met her
Ravel her mysteries, cipher
Her tongue and uncurve her hips
Conceal her smile and whiten her lips
Let me live the grisly days of unfete
When I thought I was controlling my fate
Before I heard these two luring voices
Before I faced two unnerving choices.

Before this time, I was an empty shell
But I was whole in a soothing hell.
Sadness kept me quiet and calm
Nurtured in night's solacing balm.

Now love robs me of sleep and cheerfulness,
Blands the food and swells the restlessness.

Please, undo the day that I met her,

I hate to have to face this mirror.

Friday, 27 June 2014

the sworded hand

– the sworded hand –
– with spider-like fingers –
– and hale, accurately-trimmed fingernails –
– gripped like a prolonged member of the body –
– unnerving magnitude of meticulous, methodical death –

Thursday, 26 June 2014


Of all geomatrical shapes
diamond surpasses quartz
minutest precision of angles
determined a hundred million years afore
and an hour ago by the diamantaire
as the lesser hour is ticked off by his wristwatch.

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Circle within circle

Leeway north of the wind
Intercostal access to the core
Too much leeway
Sleepless rosary of stars
Immobile latitude
Pellicle of pearly fog
Such roaring canticles
Ringing clearly as morning bells
Shortness of exhaled breath
Strands of hair loitering near your face
Heaving respirations of the night
Nigh your shoulder
Cooling down the heat of debate
Acts of love like bottles thrown at the blue
With desperate foreboding messages
Smashing into rain
Into speechless clouds
Chronosensitivity of ideas
Uncipherable sentiments
Light weighing only the impetus of its speed
Trickling down your throat
On a mother-of-pearl morning
Through your bedroom window
Where we still embrace
On the threshold to good or evil

Shattered pieces of self everywhere.

Tuesday, 17 June 2014


At last, here on the shore of the Aegean sea,
Stranded like a stranger, dishevelled yet alive,
Sand in my mouth and hair, lying among debris,
Her heart's pulse like an echo that I can't revive,

The memory, cherished for too long, is now gone,
On this Thracian shore, as I lay torn, by doom drawn.

Wednesday, 11 June 2014


Today got me to face the question:
why ever should I go there?
“Because –” said an interior locution.
I clammed it up before it could blare
anything that might be unfair,
anything that might hurt.
Like I have any voice.
Cowering under destiny's quirt
lashing at my back
offering Hobson's choice
whack whack whack
rolling in the dirt
all beaten blue and black
time would dally dally dally
I have to go there
because there's one question
one question only
and its solution
its lonely solution
all along –
was there.

Sunday, 8 June 2014

What Really Irritates Me in Men, Women and Poodles, and Other Sartorial Considerations Very Late at Night - Part 4

Thank you, Cécile, for putting me back in the saddle! It has been a long while since I last posted in this section, and now my notebooks are full to the brim. High time I relieved them of their atrabilious content.

Ladies and Gentlemen and Poodles, here comes...

What Really Irritates Me in Men, Women and Poodles, and Other Sartorial Considerations Very Late at Night - Part 4

Aaaaah poodle, how do I love thee? I love thee not, indeed, but I love thee anyhoo for pawing me the material to my cantankerousness! How have I missed thee? I have missed thee not, of course.

The ostentatious joie de vivre these quadrupeds effortlessly display when they greet anyone borders on the indecent. Wait, it IS indecent. Why do they frolic about as if they'd found a pot of gold? I know every dog does that, but not to the extent poodles do, and not with a certain relish at their own excitement which make their eye lustre...I guess the absence of survival instinct must be accounted for. On a different topic, I heard recently that the smaller the breed, the longer they live...dear Lord, protect us from tininess.

A good friend of mine directed me to a silly page on the Net ( The story has it that a poodle named Cachi fell from the 13th floor onto a woman's head, unexpectedly killing her in the process. A passer-by was hit by a bus whilst beholding the stunning scene, and all this foofaraw caused a man to have a heart attack. This...article, for lack of a better word, is highly dubious and probably means to poke fun at an unfortunate series of events. Made me raise an eyebrow, I must admit. Because I believe that the said poodle must very well have been trying to greet the woman below with a well-deserved hug, and must have greatly misjudged the distance. I don't think this is beyond their capacity. Doesn't say if the dog survived, though. Tough little blighters, might have, for all I know.

It does seem I can't get enough of poodles, doesn't it? Well, believe it or not, I still haven't exhausted what seems to be an antediluvian hostility against them. But let's move onto other things which nark me to no end, for if I don't do it here and now, it'll start growing on me...and I'll turn into my great-grandma, which will be way more unfortunate than Cachi hurtling down on someone's head.

I recently joined a dating website. That wouldn't be such a great deal if this hadn't sparked a helluva lot of concerns. For instance, why on earth must fifty to sixty percent of all the pictures in there show a woman, age ranging from 18 to 50+ with
  • rounded or pouted lips
  • her index and middle finger held in a V shape near said mouth
  • rounded, glittery eyes
  • heavy make-up
  • tilted head
  • a blinding flash?
There should be a limited number of selfies allowed. I know that the first selfie to be shot was achieved by a certain Robert Cornelius back in 1839 (more accurately a daguerreotype), but man, why would you lovingly debase yourself in such a fashion? I know ridiculousness never killed anyone, and that which doesn't kill you makes you stronger, but ridiculousness DOES NOT MAKE YOU STRONGER AND NEVER WILL. This syllogism is a complete fallacy.

I understand the selfie-in-the-mirror trick though, for obvious, pragmatic purposes. But please, PLEASE, do pay attention to what's in the background! We don't want to see knickers scattered all over the place (actually we do), dildos (true story), a kitchen sink full to the brim with dirty dishes (another true story) or the general mess you live in. Which could easily make me rant against pictures of men sporting a dubiously immaculate whitish tank top over a dubious/sculpted/tattooed build, but as I haven't seen them myself, I'll deal with them hollow men later.

Something else which peeves the bejesus out of me is when I look up at the profile of a woman and it says...nothing. Just plain as day : Such-and-such – I can't discuss pseudonyms...I consider this way below the belt because they range from the purely pathetic to the downright ludicrous and/or ridiculous, though inventiveness ought to be lauded – well, Such-and-such hasn't filled in her profile yet. She's been on this site for six months, and she hasn't had time to write a single word? You kidding me? Too busy trying to take the right selfie? Duh. Sometimes a woman visits your profile, “likes” it, and you visit hers, as common courtesy wills it: no picture, no personal description, no desiderata. How do you want us to react to this buffet? How should we judge your “likeability”? What in this vast ocean of nothingness would trigger us to “like” your profile and make us think we would match?

Last diatribe and then I'm out for the day. However we lonely men appreciate the efforts some of you lonely women put into self-portraying your pushed-up cleavage, your long, spotlessly-shaved legs, your fluttering eyelashes and your smouldering look...we don't quite understand why you take the pains to specify in your description that you really DON'T want us to choose you because of your looks or to think you're superficial. And sunglasses, when worn, have that irking tendency to cover a part of the visage I tend to be interested in – but that is the sunglasses' fault, not yours, right?

See you soon for another piece of rambling harangue!

*keeps mumbling* 

Saturday, 7 June 2014


and sometimes
shards of love like shards of sun
warm the eyelids
lying down in the meadow
looking for shapely clouds
creased blades of grass underneath
the crickets' distant mellow
hands laid casually aside
spring like a diaphanous sheet
lingering over
lingering over
murmuring in one continuous breath
like the breath of a lover
whispering over your neck
words of love
warms words of love
like tepid rain
on a leaking umbrella
drops oozing onto your visage
tasting like honey
ageless words
sliver of smiles
kisses like flakes
fingers toying with those shards
catspawed hair toying with
those shards
of love, of sun
and the eyelids
blink twice, and open

Wednesday, 4 June 2014


no way this crass world is keeping me
tongue tired of repeating again and
again tied
to the system of up and down
drown dried

i have delved into depths unmeasured,
and unmeasurable
where the breath is short
if not impossible
where space is equal
to the intake of breath
one can muster in
a four-thousand-fathom downfall

life, ruled by such equation,
is a logic
which died out
when the first oak leaf fell
long before
speech was inspired
long before
speech came to us
and died
and left us

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Sunday, 1 June 2014

Fragment #10

Equally tempted by hell and heaven, both ways paved with good intentions.

8 stades de notification

  Insignifiant Indésirable Informatif Intéressant Important Impérieux Improbable Impossible