Tuesday, 26 February 2013


He was such a nice boy! I never thought such an horrible thing would happen.
It's all just so sad. And dark.
The world's mad, mad I tell you.
Every day I watched her buy a sandwich from the shops across the street
– always smiling she was – and then head to the park.
She was always smartly dressed she was. And open.
Them boys who hang around the pound store she always made 'em turn them head rounds.
The lady from Oxfam said she always dropped in on her way to the park to put a penny in – mind ye, penny's a way o' saying she dropped a coin more like she was.
I always thought she was like I was when I was young like her, only she was prettier. And neat.
Shame people say. It's all so horrible what happened.
Her so young and all. Terrible! Terrible.
She was all I could think of,
She was all them girls dream of.
She was that and more. We was so shocked when we heard.
How could no one see what was happening right under our noses? Are we so blind?
Poor boy. Poor boy. And us all thinking him a pity.
I don't know how he must've felt but it mustn't've been pretty.
Betty I think her name was.
One can't play some games.
One can't be some things.
Or life's not worth living.

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