Friday, 20 March 2015
The lion and the lambs
"Don't ask me who's influenced me. A lion is made up of the lambs he's digested, and I've been reading all my life."
Giorgos Seferis, writer, diplomat, Nobel laureate (1900 - 1971)
Thursday, 19 March 2015
Fragment #98
Serenity in impending doom
quietude in the hurricane
light in the darkest gloom
hope in the harshest bane –
thus are the dragons
that in here loom.
Wednesday, 18 March 2015
N'oubliez pas
S'il-vous-plaît, n'oubliez pas de:
- le matin, ouvrir les persiennes
- changer de mes draps la parure
- poursuivre la lecture des Persanes
- vous occuper de ma manucure
- arranger mes oreillers
- me parler gentiment
- ne pas me réveiller
- cajoler mes sentiments
- changer l'eau des fleurs
- faire comme si de rien n'était
- penser à mon bonheur
- me faire profiter de l'été
- penser à mes richesses
- oublier mes défauts
- tenir mes promesses
- accueillir les nouveaux
- me tenir la main lors des injections
- masser mes jambes inactives
- faire de ma sieste une sédation
- me ramener au bord quand je dérive
- me dire qui est venu me voir
- m'assurer que j'aurai des visites
- au besoin rafraîchir ma mémoire
- au besoin les faire venir vite
- mettre de la musique en fond
- ignorer mes silences
- tourner mon regard au plafond
- vous armer de patience
- parler comme si je n'étais pas là
- faire comme si je n'existais plus
- faire comme si j'étais juste las
- parler comme si vous y aviez cru
- ne pas oublier de prendre les devants
- au besoin, ouvrir mes paupières
- vous assurer que je suis vivant
- le soir, éteindre la lumière.
Nombre de jours à vivre : 18
Wednesday, 25 February 2015
La vieille cité se traîne, hagarde et
Dans les nappes de brumes qui émanent
du fleuve.
Elle se souvient avoir dû faire un
Il y a longtemps, alors neuve et belle,
Mais seules les conséquences et leur
Quasi-posthumes, secouent ses
articulations trop sollicitées
Comme une vile arthrose.
Elle était moins amère, avant,
Quand ses marbres étaient roses,
Même quand elle était au levant,
Même quand elle sentait le rance.
Il y a dans son air aujourd'hui
Des pestilences qui bouchent ses
Une amertume qu'elle subit démunie,
Mais avec laquelle chacun se sent uni
Dans sa déshérence chagrine.
Soudain, d'une seule voix, elle se
Branle ses quais et ses dômes,
Exhume d'un coup quelques vieux
Et comme une lionne harponnant au cou
Une vieille proie qu'on avait pensé
Elle rugit d'une voix rauque et forte,
Un lambeau de chair en gueule,
Qu'elle vivante ne veut entendre plus
Ce mot entre tous si veule
Ce mot qui interdit tout salut.
La bouche en sang et secouée de
La cité assassine se love de nouveau
Pour digérer sa pitance en ses sombres
Fière d'avoir retourné le mort en son
Une ultime fois, comme un pied-de-nez
au sort,
Se vautrant un peu plus dans son
Un peu plus dans le souvenir d'alors,
Dans le ressouvenir de ses plus belles
Wednesday, 18 February 2015
The Sea Peoples
No other graver matter
than a piffling presence
or a downright absence
of dialogue
than a definite pick
between null and void –
unfair to say the very least
on that damned old sea
yet even then there is our
leaning propensity
to steer downwind
right under the weather
where muted voices are heard
muttering of softened catastrophes
when we bailed out a leaking ship
with a punctured thimble
Attention! Attention! is cried
quite forgetting
the mere presence or absence
of ropes and pulleys
midst the roaring of the waves
we add insult to injury
tend to our wounds with handfuls of
furl the sails! is heard
unfurl the sails! is heard again
we don't know which order is right
or if we heard 'light' or 'fight' or
we sail on a sea of silence
we sail away
we sail a way
the wind howls and the sails,
half-unfurled in the confusion,
are off the barking gales
land ahoy! mirage ahoy!
daydreams pervade the wake
we ought not to drowse
there are skerries to be avoided
we ought not to
but our wakefulness is scuttled
by reveries in broad daylight
flooded by eerie sunbeams
– calenture on the prowl –
we have hearts of men nonetheless
stout hearts of men honed in deserts
sharpened on seas
bled by mad wenches
filled with bad rum and snuff
and now with rheumatisms
and prone to snuffling
ether does that to us
and under ether the least shard of
appears as a dagger in the underbelly
of the clouds
under ether the least drop of water
appears as a sky-engulfing sea
the least whisper a world-crushing
Eager to make a name to ourselves
like the peoples of the sea back then
we had no other possibility
but to take to the ocean
and choose between the silence and the
Monday, 15 December 2014
Magnitude of disorder
"I believe that life can go on forever. It takes a million years to evolve a new species, ten million for a new genus, one hundred million for a class, a billion for a phylum -- and that's usually as far as your imagination goes. In a billion years, it seems, intelligent life might be as different from humans as humans are from insects. But what would happen in another ten billion years? It's utterly impossible to conceive of ourselves changing as drastically as that, over and over again. All you can say is, on that kind of time scale the material form that life would take is completely open. To change from a human being to a cloud may seem a big order, but it's the kind of change you'd expect over billions of years."
Freeman Dyson, physicist (b. 1923)
Friday, 5 December 2014
Fragment #13
Drip-dripping under the elm trees
after the storm
lashed words scattered
amid the branches
tip-toeing deer
amidst the wreakage
what can be salvaged
and the silence
the silence after the fury
its echo wreaking havoc
the forest not unscathed
to be healed someday
to be whole again
yet different
such was the force of the storm
such is the rage of the silence
which will last
subdued, hidden
behind what the content traveller
expects to hear.
Thursday, 4 December 2014
Fragment #12
Last night, I went down in history
as the first man to go down in history
nothing more than going down in history
just as history had just stopped.
Wednesday, 26 November 2014
Brought back to Life
Today, my class had a test.
A simple test. On everything they'd
this past year.
They prepared for this for two weeks.
Most, if not all, were ready.
And as I was looking at them,
going about the rows,
Amid the scratching and the sighing,
I knew that at one point
Life would happen to them.
I knew that at some stages
they would be as drunk as a skunk,
they'd be harassed,
laughing till they'd hurt,
they'd fall in love and have their
heart broken,
they'd yell at someone, for next to no
they'd have kids, be happy, separate,
divorce, cry and pray for themselves,
or for someone they love,
or for someone who's gone,
or about to.
I knew they'd all know their bit of
their awkward moments,
their flashes of treachery, of deceit,
of contrition, absolution, desperation.
I knew that most of them would never be
ready for this,
but on the other hand no one is ever
ready for life.
Life just happens,
quicker than lightning,
bitterer than the bitterest lemon,
sweeter than the sweetest kiss,
yet Life is that most precious thing
which ever happens to us along the way.
I also knew that they'd come to love
and hate it,
to protest against its manifold proofs
of injustice,
to groan under the buffets,
but in the end I knew they'd realise
as I was going about the rows,
as they were answering questions
for an ultimately stupid test,
years from now,
they'd smile and remember this bit of
their lives
as one of those engaging moments when
all things are vested with a different
shade of life
with so many layers of meanings and
after the soberness, the drunkenness,
the elation,
the disappointments, the breaking and
the healing,
the mess and the bringing back to the
Life would essentially be the same
for each and every one of us,
though time changes and levels,
come what may,
perspectives be grim or endearing,
life would be, all things weighed,
all paths considered,
such a mighty gift that
it'd be sheer madness to spoil such an
Saturday, 22 November 2014
Pated writer
"Wanting to meet an author because you like his work is like wanting to meet a duck because you like paté."
Margaret Atwood, novelist and poet (b. 1939)
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This is no longer home
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