he sez he wans us intimet
that he luvz me
so i duz wot he sez
i wan kissiz an hugz
but he duzn
he sez he wans my hart
but my but to
wen he comome
late an drunk
his handz en ma throat
an mout
i cant screem
he smelz ov uver wimin
but i cant leav him
i luv him
an he luvz me
an hiz intimet wiv me
wen nowun els duz
he luvz me
an a litel pain iz ok
iz ok he sez
but less i sez
sumtymz less
sumtymz mor he sez
he sez hel be beter
if im hiz an if i duz
wot he sez
he sez we doneed filinz
filinz hurt but i don inersten
luv heelz it duzn hurt
buthen hiz sad
so i let hiz finguz in me
surchin an
he forsiz me
to open ma mout
an swalo bud i
donwan an he lafs
an pushiz an pushiz
an lafs an kumz
an i cryz bud he duzn care
hez gun hez alwez gun
he duzn sleep hear
hez alwez gun
an i alwez cryz
im despret
he sez he needz me
bud he duzn i no
hez gun an leevz me
alwez leevz me
i wana die
mebe hel care