Sunday, 3 February 2019
Pretty sure the Hitch would have loved this one
"The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt."
Bertrand Russell, in Mortals and Others (1931-1935)
Saturday, 2 February 2019
What Really Irritates Me In Men, Women and Poodles, and Other Sartorial Considerations Very Late at Night, Part 7
Dear readers,
I woke up a little while
ago, and looking out the window makes one legitimately confused as to
whether it's today or tomorrow, today or tonight. Technically, it is
now, and more precisely today, albeit very early. Looking at
my notes, I decided it was time to let some of the bile ooze out of
the system, to rage quietly against the dying of the night. One has
to run the risk of becoming cantankerous too early in one's career.
I previously addressed
people picking their nose, but now another category has emerged, in
which men seem to have a facetious upper hand: the ones who manage to
successfully wring out, singlefingeredly, a
reluctant-because-it-was-warm-up-there boogie while you're talking
to them, then proceed to roll up and casually let the balled
bogey fall. Yet the casualness needs to be dropped when the gob gets
too gooey and persists like a sinful thought in the mind of a 12th Century
flagellating Carmelite monk. The innocuous “You don't happen to
have a tissue, do you?” has, since I paid attention to the
practise, been a test of my character, for I have rarely been able to
keep a straight face. It's also a tell-tale reminder that Murphy and
his Infallible Set of Laws watches over us mere mortified
mortals...who also eat their cuticles. Also while talking to other
people. The worst part of it all is when they gnash at the flake of
skin and tear too much off it, and end up bleeding. Now that I have
written this, I think the worst part is that I have become so used to
people's eccentricities – actually just them being themselves –
that I simply go on talking as if nothing were happening, while my
soul shrivels and cringes and suffocates. I am a blend of weltschmerz
and whateverism.
of German loan-words: Schadenfreude, primum
motum of the humanverse. Probably the sole valid reason to
remain on this godforsaken piece of mud that is Earth. The
vindication of the statistics. The serendipitous theatre of chance
dramedy. The habit you didn't know you shared with some mammals. The
glint of light that brightens your day. Yes, all of this. The
following anecdote be ample proof.
The weather has been nuts
for some time now, and we have had almost constant rain or snow for
the past two months – and people have the knack not to wipe their
feet off the mat at the school's entrances. Students and colleagues
alike. Some will even go to great lengths to avoid wiping their feet
on the one metre by three brown mat, thereby muddying the corridor
and especially the tiled floor right after the mat. Why they don't
want to wipe their feet remains to be asserted with certainty. My
wild guess is that they believe the mat to be dirtier than the sole
of their shoes – which would fall short of so many logical
properties pertaining to the existence and usage of the doormat.
Anyway, I had warned people that it became slippery and increased the
chances of somebody falling. They called me a killjoy...which is
potentially what I was to them, but not to me. The
Oh-so-pleasurable moment when I saw a colleague – who shan't be
named for obvious reasons – throw his leg in a hubristic attempt to
step over the mat, and slip on the slush – mind you, with a bang
not a whimper. Grin I did, but I didn't sport the expected
I-told-you-so look on my face, for it's a much less pleasurable
facial expression to feel it than the I-was-so-waiting-for-this look.
Schadenfreude, je t'aime.
The next phenomenon
is not recent, but it has gathered momentum in the last five
years. People who heard from somebody who heard from somebody who
heard from somebody very knowledgeable that you shouldn't say
stadiums but stadia, that you'd have to be a total moron to write
octopuses instead of octopi – they get my goat because they think
they are so much smarter than you because you don't know how to
form plurals properly. Well. How am I going to put this. You
insufferable piece of S...tadia is the plural for the Greek or Roman
unit of length (i.e. circa 185 metres, what an average stadium
would measure back in the day) which, retroactively (linguists style
this as a 'backformation'), became an alternative form of
stadiums. So please stop correcting people because both forms exist.
Same thing with forum...when you so smartass-ly use fora, you
describe the public square or marketplace in ancient Roman cities,
not the web page where people post comments. Aquarium accepts both
aquariums and aquaria. Octopus comes from the Greek, by the
roundabout way, so stick to octopuses unless you want to use
octopodes as scientists do.
There is no hard-and-fast
rule about plural formation, as each word behaves according to the
language from which it has been borrowed, and also because more
importantly we speak bloody English, not Latin or Greek. Thus,
considering how many people already struggle with simple syntax,
grammar, and plurals, perhaps we should stick to regular forms in
-s/-es...unless you all want to be ignoramuses (yep, it's a verb in
Latin you numbnuts, not a noun). You're welcome, xox. (Now go back to
the beginning of the paragraph and find the plural for the two
underlined words in the first'll probably infer why
'agendas' ought to be wrong).
A few weeks back I
stumbled upon a French poodle into one of James Thurber's fables (The
Owl Who Was a God – hilarious) who wasn't the smartest cookie
in the jar. Made me wonder if he thought poodles were dumb (bull's
eye?) or if he thought the French were dumb (ditto?), or even if
adjoining the two would make the aptest personification of dumb
(c'est la vie?).
On a different, but
poodle-related note, the trend-scouting will undoubtedly have noticed
the Rise of the Floodle (sounds like a 1950s sci-fi movie title).
Otherwise known as the Flatdoodle, it is a cross between a Flatcoated
Retriever and a poodle. I suspect that the people responsible for
this atrocious mix have come across the various denotations for
“floodle” on the Internet, one of which being the flaccid state
of the penis during the sexual act (aka floppy noodle) – hence them
frolicking casually back to Flatdoodle. For once, I can't seem to be
able to find fault with that.
Quick side note: sure, I
can't deny that poodle puppies are cute. That's because they are
puppies. Puppihood, puppiness confers great advantages
regardless of the breed and the end result. Puppies are meant to be
heart-meltingly clumsy and stoopid. The fact that poodles remain so
(replace 'heart-meltingly' with 'heart-burningly') is both evidence
and motive to continue picking on them.
Apparently the latest
sartorial fad in France is to wear an oversize jumper (aka
“pull-over” in French, true story) and stuff it into your jeans.
Only you don't ram the whole shebang in, you only jam the front, and
even then you leave the sides near the hips out. Combine this with
high-waisted pants and you might see some, granted unintended,
comical effects. So much different than the cheek-peeking,
thong-showing, navel-nagging low-rise pants we had a decade ago.
“Whale tail” to this day remains a valid entry in Wikipedia,
perhaps dormant in case fashion as it so often does needs to
resurrect the practise, perhaps to prove to posterity (mmmhmmmh, that
pun was intended) that ridicule doesn't kill as long as enough people
join you in the same ridiculous action.
It is too cloudy for the
sun to even peek through, but I can tell it's day. Or time to go
about my day. I had other stories to tell yet they will have to wait,
pouring as they are from the tap of human idiosyncrasies. I hope you
enjoyed reading this gerondic jabber, the gruffness of which the act
of telling has not abated, nor fuelled. But watching the snow gyre
nimbly in powdery clouds, murmur like starlings at dusk between the
building in its peculiar, hypnotising fashion, I somehow feel
tranquil, appeased, unraving at the nascence of the light.
Friday, 4 January 2019
In Memoriam
"Woe to that nation whose literature is cut short by the intrusion of force. This is not merely interference with freedom of the press but the sealing up of a nation's heart, the excision of its memory."
Alexander Solzhenitsyn, novelist, Nobel laureate (1918-2008). Nobel lecture in Literature 1970.
The entire lecture is available here, in both English and Russian
Friday, 21 December 2018
""Si on lui parlait de son courage, Guillaumet hausserait les épaules. Mais on le trahirait aussi en célébrant sa modestie. Il se situe bien au-delà de cette qualité médiocre. S'il hausse les épaules, c'est par sagesse. Il sait qu'une fois pris dans l'événement, les hommes ne s'en effraient plus. Seul l'inconnu épouvante les hommes. Mais, pour quiconque l'affronte, il n'est déjà plus l'inconnu. Surtout si on l'observe avec cette gravité lucide. Le courage de Guillaumet, avant tout, est un effet de sa droiture."
Sa véritable qualité n'est point là. Sa grandeur, c'est de se sentir responsable. Responsable de lui, du courrier, des camarades qui espèrent. Il tient dans ses mains leur peine ou leur joie. Responsable de ce qui se bâtit de neuf, là-bas, chez les vivants, à quoi il doit participer. Responsable un peu du destin des hommes, dans la mesure de son travail.
Il fait partie des êtres larges qui acceptent de couvrir de larges horizons de leur feuillage. Être homme, c'est précisément être responsable. C'est connaître la honte en face d'une misère qui ne semblait pas dépendre de soi. C'est être fier d'une victoire que les camarades ont remportée. C'est sentir, en posant sa pierre, que l'on contribue à bâtir le monde."
Antoint de St-Exupéry, Terre des Hommes (1939).
Monday, 10 December 2018
Three days of rain
Three days of thrashing rain
the path glistens like mercury
dampness impossible to dry
cold tremors running up the spine
the days dwell in darkness
impenetrable to sunrays
to any sense of joy
trees and rocks coated in molten metal
yet all things colder to the touch
and older too, and more spiteful
those affronting the downpour
shoulders hunched as under yoke
head down and that forward thrust
of one ploughing the field of dark
the cows bored stiff, the sheep silent
the dogs shuffle from hearth to door
sniff the air from the slit and trot
spin into a pungent bun on their mat
only the cat imperturbable
her silvery coat blending in
her yellow eyes like lit windows
pierce the deluge in a drowsy vigil
her ears poised for abating rain
even when cleaning her spotless paws
the torrent drumming in the gurgling
Tuesday, 27 November 2018
Les histoires, on préfère les
raconter qu'en faire
les écouter du bord du sommeil,
certains les écrivent au fer
rouge, d'autres à l'encre du soleil.
Certaines histoires ne vivent qu'un
d'autres pour s'écrire attendent la
pour d'autres, encore, on a besoin de
Les histoires, il y en a autant que de
même s'il n'y en a parfois qu'une qui
Elles se créent toutes en se
Certaines sont fières, d'autres nous
font honte,
d'autres tiennent à l'oubli d'un gant,
d'autres s'effacent alors que l'eau
et toujours, toujours une autre qui
Monday, 26 November 2018
"The truth isn't always beauty, but the hunger for it is."
Nadine Gordimer, novelist, Nobel laureate (1923-2014)
The full essay, entitled "Leaving School - II", is available here.
Sunday, 25 November 2018
No man's land
Dogs pacing to and fro in
ears and tail hanging low,
the thick darkness
slowly cowling the broad
not your typical summer
it seemed a spoonful
would be darker than
the darkest night we ever
the people stopped
hand on brow as a visor
soon the sun blanketed
a sense of dread like a
clod underfoot
a finely-polished
imperative to avoid panic
and the clouds, the clouds
amassing like billowed
and the dogs barking,
gravity warped the mirror
into smithereens
people fell to their
knees, prayed,
called for shelter
ran away from the epiphany
it was too much reality
too much science
too much life in one
the last starless night
fell upon the earth
tucked us motherly in
whispered gently, gently,
“good night”.
Tuesday, 2 October 2018
Another morning
This morning I woke up thinking of sex
I didn't touch myself lest I be sad
as when I fantasize about an ex
I always end up dribbling an aubade
The half-hearted morn attempt in the
got thwarted by my sagging embonpoint
I try to lose but more come each winter
to the point I no longer see the point
Lunch had me push the chair back for
some space
I felt tired of eating while eating
nap on the armchair, telly face-to-face
threaded clumps where my elbows were
– mug of tea and biscuit plate
outside a prison, evasion daydream –
The only prospects of glee I have left
life to be seen solely at the seam
At midnight I dozed off thinking of sex
I didn't touch myself as I was sad
as I knew there would be nobody next
I'll never have the proper serenade.
Wednesday, 19 September 2018
We were expected
We were expected earlier than the rain.
The swollen river had snatched the
crawled a yard out every time the
church bells rang. We hurried and
We washed up a month later downstream
when the brambles let us go, at last,
when we no longer were expected.
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