Friday, 18 July 2014

To the line

Journeying to the line
Unembarrassed by desire
Or hatred, or vindictiveness,
Or gain, or fear, or shame,
we went on, seeking not adventure
Nor meaning to obey orders
Or do our abscond duty
Nor driven by the will to conquer,
We were there as chance willed,
By some fluke of fate,
Owing to a long and serpentine
Chain of events no one governed
We went on because we thought
Liberty was a woman.

Thursday, 17 July 2014

Fragment #22

Things need to come to an end
-- however ugly it may be --
for as things now stand,
my life goes by horribly.

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

The Tattoo

Covering her entire back
The intent artist is putting
The finishing touch to his masterpiece
Never had tattoo been so revealingly beautiful.
The girl had been thinking and designing
Her tattoo for the best part of ten years.
It had taken him a full week to catch her intention
And another to train his wrist to the perfect movement.
Now is the time to prove his mettle.
And the girl had fever breaking after the first three hours,
And they have to do it in one sitting,
No other option, nothing else matters.
It is obviously painful. And the level of detail is boring into her skin.
In about an hour, this girl will have,
Etched onto her back, into her soul,
The greatest overcast one ever saw,
Down to the smallest, darkest billow.

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

The music rang

The music rang deep into her mind
Made every inch of her skin quiver
The tip of her teats were so hard
Eyes closed, swaying to the sheer vibrations from the speakers
As if she were thrown away
And riveted to the spot
Fractalled into infinity
Like a raindrop
On a corrugated iron roof.

Monday, 14 July 2014

After the fury

The bird hopped from crack to crack
Past the commotion, the rush,
The rot, the stench,
Under that steel arch,
Looked at the towering giants
Belching thunderous bellows
And was gone, in an instant,
Into the soaring, unaffected air.
Food would be gotten
After the fury had died down.

Sunday, 13 July 2014

The relevant fall

They all saw him fall to his death down twenty floors
They all thought at once of what they did that day
So that they could remember it all and tell the neighbours
Their own sadder version of the story of that fateful day
They saw a guy fall to his death down twenty floors.

Saturday, 12 July 2014

She looked down at him

She looked down at him
His face buried in pillows
And then out the window
Darkness were spreading
Like squid's ink in a fishbowl
The smell of soot in her nostrils
Made her frown and scoff
She needn't look down again
To see him look up to her
And watch his face fall apart
In a million million pieces.

Friday, 11 July 2014

Suitcase in hand

Suitcase in hand
He follows the hollow
On the side of the road
Spatters of mud
On the hem of his trousers
Perhaps brought back
From a hundred miles off
Where he was at a few days ago
He realises now he was happy there
Watchful, horrified but content
The barrel of his gun emptied
In a haystack alive with possibilities
Of murder, revenge, hatred.

Thursday, 10 July 2014

Memory lapse

[Ten days in Edinburgh at the Jazz and Blues festival, and raw here I hand over whatever I wrote. I will publish each and every piece in a separate entry, chronologically but starting back in time, like retrieving my footsteps in the sand.]

A melancholy face, 
seen through the flitting
window of a surprising
train booming on a race
in the opposite direction,
brought to a tired mind,
years later, as a friend
breaks out the information
of an orderly quietus,
both sat on the edge
of a bed facing the ledge
of the window, like statues
ready to recover from the salt,
her face ebbing away
as the memory of that day
quietly comes to a halt,
finally acquiring a meaning
long sought and deferred,
as that the moment conferred,
duly timed to the awakening,
probably hidden all this long
in the fold of the bed-sheet,
in the cold of the slanting sleet,
or in the iridescence of the sun --
which ought to have been seen
years before on that train
thundering through sun and rain
glowing on that face's dull sheen.

Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Can't live with, can't live without

"[L]e lien qui attache l'individu à la société est tellement puissant que, même dans la soi-disant “société des individus”, ces derniers sont si peu capables de prendre leurs distances avec les entraînements collectifs que, spontanément, ils consentent à l'anéantissement de ce à quoi ils tiennent le plus : la liberté."

Daniel Cérézuelle, Écologie et liberté. Bernard Charbonneau, précurseur de l'écologie politique, Parangon, 2006, p. 21.

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