Saturday, 30 September 2023

Lire les cartes

Maman me disait toujours de ne pas toucher
– on ne savait pas où ça avait traîné.

Ce n’est que plus tard que j’ai su dire
que si on touche les lignes,
les ombres des objets, leur forme,
on peut discerner leur intention,
leur fin en soi en elles inscrite.

Maman ne voyait pas tout ça – les histoires –
les longs trajets pour venir jusqu’à nous,
que le cercle de café laissé par la tasse
cartographie un dessein en croix rouge et tirets
– pour elle un hic sunt dracones –
– pour moi un coffre au trésor.

Elle ne voyait pas que les humeurs des objets,
que leurs couleurs, leurs textures et sonorités
n’étaient qu’expressions d’origine et de destination
– la tasse joyeuse dans son clinquement de faïence
– la table de cuisine au bois de chêne fatigué des ans
– l’ombre de la cuiller, suspendue insolente dans le vide
– le blanc jauni du tapis à l’entrée, ses tâches de sang
en filigrane qu’on n’a jamais réussi à ôter tout-à-fait.

Alors je touchais, malgré l’interdit et les froncements :
découvrir, savoir, valaient toutes les réprimandes
– le goût, la texture, l'inclinaison du café
– le chaud de la tasse, le froid de l’anse
– l’instabilité acquise de napperon
– l’infime défaut dans la porcelaine
toutes ces clefs de cartes ont un sens
un but et une fin empreints de direction,
à qui prend le temps d’apprendre à les lire.

Ce n’est que bien après que j’ai su que les gens étaient aussi des histoires,
– on voit l’ombre hésitante, la ligne des mains hargneuses
– les commissures des yeux chantantes, pleines de soleil
– la tristesse des paupières lasses, l’abattement des lèvres
– le dessin des fronts des dormeurs, et ceux des veilleurs.

Malgré la vieille injonction je touche donc les gens,
pour lire leurs cartes avec un œil curieux et tolérant,
avec des paroles qui les caressent comme une main amie,
des attentions de pied-de-vent, des subtilités de canopée
qui révèlent les lignes, les humeurs, les creux et les pleins
– d’où les gens viennent, où ils vont, pour quoi, pourquoi –
parce que déchiffrer vaut tous les heurts du monde
– il est des sentes de peine et des percées de fierté
qu’on ne soupçonne pas, cachées en l’œil fuyant, défiant
– des tranchées de faille et des lignes de fête dans les rides
– dans les plis où la lumière affleure, comme prudente.

Maman n’est plus là pour me dire de ne pas toucher,
m’interdire de révéler où justement ça avait traîné
– parce que mes coffres étaient ses dragons –
avec le temps j’ai appris à apprécier la charge des champs
– que des choses et des gens ont des cartes qui envoûtent,
comme des promesses d’histoires d’amour et de colère,
entières de sensations d’horizons dénudés,
– tandis que d’autres ont une force d’étreinte de quasar
– et d’autres des griffes de trou blanc qui harponnent
– oui, il y a de quoi avoir peur, mais il y a aussi de quoi aimer –

À bien y réfléchir, elle me disait de ne pas toucher
peut-être parce qu’elle savait, qu’elle avait senti
le poids des cartes en dépliant les sens,
par cet instinct à double tranchant de découverte,
– le poids du bruit de pas au mitan de la nuit –
– la saveur d’un fruit qui a mûri trop vite –
et en bonne mère voulait me prémunir du ballast
– celui dont la force de la gravité plombe et agrippe comme un aimant
– celui dont le temps qui le compose, plus visqueux que la mélasse,
pèse sur les épaules comme un joug de misère –
– lest maudit souvent, amalgamant rêve et réalité,
faisant surgir des dragons de coffres –

peut-être que oui, j’aurais dû suivre l’ordre
– je serais encore adéquat, peut-être,
libre de coffres et de dragons,
ignorant certes, mais ici,
présent, et désinvolte.


Wednesday, 27 September 2023

The exchange

The exchange happened at the end of a world
Without a word, without a gesture.

A clear night was thus born
The city purred at its feet.

His heart was no longer the matter
He gave her the most beautiful thing he’d ever made.

She hurriedly wrapped herself in the rainbow cloth
She was no longer cold.

Her own heart filled with pulsing joy
She listened to the lightwaves of love
She slept, and slept, and slept.

When she woke up, lightyears later,
She unfurled wingsongs covering the night:
He knew the world would never be the same again

He knew he’d bleed, every day, and not quite heal each time
Waking up to the city drowning in a sleepless coldfire
He’d hear ghosts calling out his fading name
Unrecognising it, slowly, slowly too thin to be heard.

The clothsheen faded, quasarcoloured the night instead
He knew chaos had begun long before the exchange happened
Entropy fractalled into his very frame, from the onset of worlds.

Never once questioning the concatenation of souls
He stepped in the darkflow with his eyes wide open.

The citylights faded into the quietest, dreamless sleep
And the night was of the deepest, most vibrant dark
That it might have been the bottom of the ocean
That it might have been the deepest recess of space.

The exchange was finally complete
Holding his moonheart in the palm of his hands.

Tuesday, 26 September 2023


"The modern masses do not believe in anything visible, in the reality of their own experience… What convinces masses are not facts, and not even invented facts, but only the consistency of the system of which they are presumably part."

in The Origins of Totalitarianism (1951), Hannah Arendt (1906-1975)

Monday, 25 September 2023

Through time, time (un)conquered

“...I give you the mausoleum of all hope and desire...I give it to you not that you may remember time, but that you might forget it now and then for a moment and not spend all of your breath trying to conquer it. Because no battle is ever won he said. They are not even fought. The field only reveals to man his own folly and despair, and victory is an illusion of philosophers and fools.”

The Sound and the Fury (1929), William Faulkner (1897-1962)

Wednesday, 20 September 2023

How do you

How do you get back to a time

when everyone you knew was good

and kind, and patient, and soft

– you don’t, says a voice within.

How do you find a loved one again

when they’ve moved away

from who they used to be

– you don’t, it whispers firmly.

How do you find the peace within,

that which was before and is no more

and not give in to the rage

– you don’t, rage all the way, it sneers.

How do you get back to being loved,

regarded, and not just casually checked,

given cold shoulders and rearward looks

– you don’t, silence is the price of the spurned

– you, love, hate, have no reason to exist, it mocks.

How do you, how do you do all this

without going nuts, how do you not

want to set everything on fire and,

and leave the world an absolute ruin

– you do, and whining is the fastest way to a CVA

– everyone’s nuts, the world is on fire, look around

– get on with it, tears are useless in this dead world.

How do you go about just breathing

when the absence of love smothers

when life is – life is beyond your words

– love is that bitch thing that squirms in its sleep

– people can’t bother when they barely get by

– we all hurtle down the wormhole, ill at ease

– our bodies cumbersome, fragile machines

– vain every effort to love, hate, talk, search

– your concepts a waste – your worries pointless

How do you – how do you, you keep asking,

– so let me tell you how real reality is

– since your brain doesn’t seem to twig

– life’s not done with you all at all

it simply doesn’t factor you in

– your how-do-yous are gargles in space

– love, hate, feelings are constructs, life isn’t

– that point was missed from the get-go

– and I don’t hear you howdoyou about it

– ask the right question, or die like the rest of them –

Monday, 18 September 2023

In case of heartbreak

In case of heartbreak, be blue,
take a glass of wine, and another
but you’ll also want to do
a couple things so it’s not a bother
things that’ll pull your sanity through:
grab tissues, booze, and a mirror.

In case of heartbreak, shatter
your hopes and expectations,
they stab the soul like a dagger
pinch the heart, punch the guts,
each a station of rage a notch up,
leave a taste like silt in the mouth.

Better let curiosity guide your step
– it is a much softer, finer feeling,
it leaves the fingertips alert
– and tense – keeps the mind sharp
– it also dulls the will, dulls the senses
because let’s be brutally honest:
you’ll need a lot of dulling.

Yet do not – under any circumstance –
and I cannot stress this enough:
– for you cannot trust your thoughts –
– because in such a heartbreak –
none of these thoughts are truly yours.

In case of heartbreak – break glass –
do cry, do rage, do go sleepless
– both heart and mind need this –
and if you become a fucking shambles
– let sadness invade, pervade
so you can come crashing down –
– obliterate all life out of your existence –
and forget everything and everyone.

In case of heartbreak, letting go is behovely
– pick up the pieces, glue the puzzle back –
with self-love and care, sullenly if need be
‘suddenly’ certainly not recommended
let the wound gapeopen for a while
– then cram a handful of salt in it,
clench your teeth – and saw it shut –

And if your loved one calls back, do not pick up –
if messages pour in, do not read them –
if your loved one reaches out, just leave –
– trust me, it’s best that you walk away –
revived hopes have always set worlds on fire
spurred expectations are bound to rupture
and spill tar eventually bursting into flames.

In case of heartbreak, you’ll walk alone,
but it doesn’t mean the work can’t be done,
it doesn’t mean you won’t get there
– wherever and whatever ‘there’ is –
it doesn’t mean you’re not worth the fight
– heartbreaks grind the heart, efface the soul –
yet when they stop, for they do stop,
they always leave rich ground to start afresh.

Wednesday, 13 September 2023

Spurned on

"Spurned pity can turn into cruelty just as spurned love turns into hate."

in Aphorisms (1880/1893), by Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach, writer (1830-1916)

Saturday, 9 September 2023

Ghost ship

– fable fading now like a frayed,

sunbleached atlas

– unmoored, left to the currents

– gathering headway towards 

the edge of the map

– oblivious to the homeport marks

– yet calling at foreign ports

– making time to anchorage elsewhere

– seemingly shoaling a chance course

– – now known never to return – –

– despite its casual erring

– sails always in sight

– hovering the homedock

– – it is time to storm the doldrums – –

– tonight, the locks to the harbour

shall be shut – till the seas sweep away

that fata morgana of a ship –

Tuesday, 5 September 2023

Grafted to grow

"In hatred as in love, we grow like the thing we brood upon. What we loathe, we graft into our very soul."

The Mask of Apollo (1966), by Mary Renault, novelist (1905-1983)

I don't really fancy the genre, but the two novels I read were certainly interesting. I recommend reading about her life first, the novels will make much more sense.

Sunday, 3 September 2023

I mastered the art of falling in love

Dreamt lives lived with each love

Every possible scenario enacted

Every pleasure and pain achieved

I mastered the art of falling in love

This man delivering a package

This woman serving morning coffee

All the beautiful and ugly people

I mastered the art of falling in love

Imagining them love me, hate me

Is what I do to take on the hours

Proof that people can love still

I mastered the art of falling in love

All these lived loves always ending

For my love for you refuses to die

For your love of me refuses to begin

I mastered the art of falling in love

Every day hoping you’ll call but don’t

Every day you love this someone else

Us two dying to be loved so this is why

I mastered the art of falling in love


Saturday, 2 September 2023

Pebbles & Bern

This morning I saw my dog

using my kitten as a pillow —

Bern’s massive head on Pebbles

who didn’t seem to mind.

Bern isn’t getting any younger,

he gets stiff hips in the morning

and has lighter hair around his eyes.

Science says one year for dogs

is seven years for us;

it also says their body systems

have factored in their own mortality.

But we haven’t. I haven’t.

One week for me, seven for Bern.

— it’s even worse for Pebbles:

twenty-one years taken the first two,

time is ruthless for a kitten.

I spend my days bummed out,

sometimes not even leaving the house,

just letting Bern out in the yard,

just letting time go by for lack

of knowing what to do with it.

While Pebbles sleeps all day long.

I have to get out of that rut,

not just for me, but for them too —

time passes differently for everyone,

but it matters for all of us.

Factoring in my own mortality.

So I’ll play with them. Go out, rain and shine.

Bern needs to go run after squirrels,

— he used to when he was a teen —

have Pebbles chase a fake mouse on a string,

make the day matter, make it unpredictable.

Get a tennis ball, grab a piece of yarn,

goof around, cuddle, nap in front of the telly,

make dinner for all three of us,

so that when we all go to sleep

our dreams make us twitch and bark,

paw and run, huff and purr.

Time that matters isn’t time anymore.

How are the five minutes of a mayfly’s like?

A day in the life of a Greenland shark?

Different, yet the same, I guess.

There’s no time in the life of a dog to get bored,

yet sometimes that’s we like doing

when boredom matters

more than time.

Pebbles just woke up.

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