Wednesday, 19 September 2018

We were expected

We were expected earlier than the rain.
The swollen river had snatched the bridge,
crawled a yard out every time the
church bells rang. We hurried and hurried.
We washed up a month later downstream
when the brambles let us go, at last,
when we no longer were expected.

Tuesday, 18 September 2018

Waiting for the train

They were all poised to board the train
platformed, tweed-and-silk couples
with eager tickets and febrile voices
paper-ribboned among the common,
which even the back-from-debauchery
Saturday bunch couldn't outsmart
and from the three-pieced to the bow-tied
a thirsty dog licking the condensation off
their last-minute, soda-filled plastic bags.

Monday, 17 September 2018


This brute of a world this
relentless beast on the prowl
or so it seems to us
who bow down, one knee
on the ground and the hair
raised like briar on
the nape of their neck.
We don't believe in fate we
thought we would be safe
but we weren't we
couldn't for we 'drew breath'.
To us patient observers the
brute never ceases to pounce
every piece of beauty
to maul to shreds all
of what brought us joy
knowing doom was spelt within.
Wrought-iron wrench in the works
that's what the brute does
and is, and if for a moment
we fancied fighting back
we had sooner wished we had died
when last we slashed our veins
because this brute of a world this

Sunday, 9 September 2018


I was told to be out-spoken
but how can I be when
so often I've been spoken out
out of the playground
out off the bus
not a sound, never one sound
taken out to avoid the fuss
how can I be when
I'm so soft-spoken
never one word above the other
never have I given
anyone the f- word
or the n- word, even
when I was down-trodden
and I never bother
I just want to have fun
but people hold on
they hold it up against you
like you have to be outspoken
or they'll tread on you
they make a hell
out of a possible heaven
and you can tell
it's such a burden,
such a burden
speak up, speak out
step up or step out
I guess I'm more in-spoken
perhaps I'm broken
but I pay attention
I'm not a bespoke human
but I like to be spoken to
even though it doesn't show
even though between me and you
I prefer to be alone
and be unspoken
biding my puns
honing my lines
because let's face it
when it comes to words
I have more grit
and more guts
than all of you cowards

Wednesday, 5 September 2018

The Road

The crack on the windscreen
slithering mountain ridges
against the setting sun
occasional splinters of light
when slightly tilted
levelling with the horizon

the blue pine tree orbiting
across the tracks
dancing to a music of its own

three stickers bleached
on the sprinkled dashboard
those you find on apples
the collector's pride

soon night will fall
that seemingly endless tunnel
no star to be seen
as it is storms season
redoubling the attention

right side window
refusing to budge
let old rain carve trails
on the expoxied trim panel

soon a dashlit, intent face
and another, flickering with sleep
in streetlamp intervals
seeming impervious
to the inbetweenness
the there and there moment

and yet, and yet, some form
of flitting magic is happening
in that such-a-deal rented car
hurtling through the night

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