The crack on the windscreen
slithering mountain ridges
against the setting sun
occasional splinters of light
when slightly tilted
levelling with the horizon
the blue pine tree orbiting
across the tracks
dancing to a music of its own
three stickers bleached
on the sprinkled dashboard
those you find on apples
the collector's pride
soon night will fall
that seemingly endless tunnel
no star to be seen
as it is storms season
redoubling the attention
right side window
refusing to budge
let old rain carve trails
on the expoxied trim panel
soon a dashlit, intent face
and another, flickering with sleep
in streetlamp intervals
seeming impervious
to the inbetweenness
the there and there moment
and yet, and yet, some form
of flitting magic is happening
in that such-a-deal rented car
hurtling through the night