Thursday, 21 June 2018

Taxomnesic Cognition Disorder

Back to the place which used to matter
nothing but the people has changed
only a handful few are left
to tend to vivid memories.
Some unease in me I cannot name.
The old grey yet older and there
its presence as telluric as the skerries.

Some who used to matter are now dead
but it's something else which bothers the peace.
Life was easier to handle back then,
it didn't have the nerve it has today.

It's hard to tell how much more
worn out the main square's cobblestones are
but they have to be, like most of us.

Suddenly what's amiss as I turn to leave –
they sawed off one of the ancient chestnuts
behind the campanile which forgot to ring.
I have to sit down on the steps to the common room
weak at the knees now I've come to realise.

The stump is hollow at the core
I understand it had been a necessary measure,
a huge gaping hole in a row of sailor teeth.

A power is waning out of memory
discarded with a half-done shrug
or a sideways nod of the head.
No warning could possibly have been issued
like this shot echoing starting the head skyward
pausing the hoe and the breath.

We might as well never have planted that tree
a hundred and fifty-four years ago.
“The growth isn't worth the end,
it was just waiting time, wasted effort,”
that's what some thought watching the crane operate.

Life goes on as it did when it stopped for me
eighteen years ago, unpickupable
for it was never dropped.

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