Monday, 26 March 2018

The Coincidence Squad

We are the Coincidence Squad.
Contrary to what you may think, we do not roam aimlessly – for we have an agenda.
We find whom we seek, and act according to the plan.
We are masters of – and mastered by – serendipity.
When you suddenly realise that you are not the only one to wear that particular shade of mauve like your heart on your sleeve, you know we have been hard at work.
When you notice a recurring word, expression, oddity, we have been there to nudge you into realisation.
Whether there be epiphany or not is not up to us.
We billboard your life with unmistakeable signs,and these need to be interpreted.
We multiply the semes – in our jargon we say that we shift the occurrences of incidences to the red – for we believe that the oftener you are lead to see, the likelier you will see.
Serendipity is a spring of coincidences with an aim to open. Your eyes to see, your heart to feel, your mouth to laugh.
We officiate when your back is turned so as you do not suspect anything else at work but randomness.
We operate at night when no light can be shed on our activities, yet we are the eye-openers of the quotidian.
We know that our work breaches the very fabric of the world you live in. It allows you to see the strings and levers, the pulleys and the gears.
You may even think that the world revolves around you.
That the concatenation of events is an unbroken chain leading to you being you.
That a higher instance factualises your presence on Earth.
Consternated as you may be that it might not be so we in the Coincidence Squad work hard to making you think you can see what you believe to be the sign.
We vindicate you into your existence. We validate the connection between the dots which draw the general design.
We legitimise fights, thoughts, beliefs, actions. In more ways than one we are the engine, the fuel and the natural laws which bind and govern.
We make things happen when things can happen. Nothing has to happen, but anything can – and we are here to make sure it does.
We barge in the aporia, we storm in the hiatus – that door left ajar – we make things stand side by side and without pausing to step back to take a look at our marvels we press on, for some of you like to pay attention to the details – indeed for some, details are all that matter – and we would hate to disappoint.
After all, whether the signs be interpreted or not does not ultimately befall us, or matter to us – after all, all things are relative to one another and to the observer – for we shall continue mirroring, juxtaposing, abutting, against every single one of the odds.
For we are the Coincidence Squad.

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