Wednesday, 14 February 2018


I am the opposite of a monster:
I do not show myself to anyone.
I stay in the dark of my den,
I watch, I stalk, I conquer.

I do what everyone dreams of.
I listen and observe and wait:
I am early when others are late.
I do not hate, I can only love.

I am not what you think I am:
for I prefer the comfort of obscurity
to the dangers found in the city,
with its scoundrels, its thieves, its shams.

The art I practise you never discuss,
for you refuse to acknowledge.
Yet you can’t say that I make a fuss:
I’d rather remain at the light’s edge.

In the black of the streets,
my artifices open the minds:
I am the one-eyed leading the blind,
awake where everyone sleeps.

I am not the monster you think of:
I run deeper than your deepest thought,
what I do I do it for love:
I am that which you once fought.

I am in the hiatus, at the edge of sight,
only to be seen peeking between the slats.
Exiled by day and obscene at night:
navel of the world living among the rats.

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