Thursday, 30 November 2017


She lifts the cup – the bland china clank still
above the morning murmur of the hurried customers –
to her lips only for her pen to be stilled
by the surprising absence of content –
it's like finding out one's cigarette's out
even though they're designed to burn out –
running out of coffee remains uncanny –
the story stalled until the next gulp –
time measured in punctincting china –
halted mid-air staring at the blackbrown ring –
granular negative of a near-perfect eclipse –
blended shadows of distilled words,
bitter if left to sit on out for too long –
in one movement she stands up, pushes back
the stool and lays down the cup –
the day stretches outside the bay window
people after cars after people after cars –
queueing up again – keeping watch on her things
– her things – in a haloed blur on the table –
the pockmarked, unnerved, unsmoothed wood –
the tinnital wave of the conversation floating
like bobbing flotsam in the middle of the café,
she feels aloof, stranded, a standstill runaway,
an exile without a justification, a fraud almost
though she has money, a job, club cards –
been mocked for the black hair on her brown arms –
more disturbing to her is the pulp of her skin
loosening so visibly when she drinks water –
as anyone she is the sum of her memories,
slave to them – ditching one means losing a finger –
– her things – her coffee – essential and trivial –
the café, the people, the cars, the china
keep her head down and blank and running,
the noise motions her in the here and the now –
the threads adjusted, the cup filled, the ink stayed –
disambiguates the scars from the words –
while the bland china still clink – while she lifts the cup.

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