Saturday, 5 December 2015

Tea, Spices and Milk

And I was sitting at the Starbucks
on that busy Parisian boulevard
full of honks and delivery trucks
when nothing but the roads is barred,
my chai tea latte steaming my glasses up
'Cuthbert' warily scribbled on the cup.
And I watched that student
through the window
rushing across the street,
and that old widow
overly prudent,
and that ragged beat
limping his way unashamed
to his morning flagon of red,
amid the wet morning crowd
and suddenly thought how
we're supposed to be all
genetically identical,
and how quantum physics state
that all actions reverberate
into different frames of space and time.
And I thought that we might be
the echoes of a single, one-time
action sparked a long time ago,
and that all the possibilities
contained therein did grow,
fractaled in us in fulfilled probabilities
and which, detail after detail,
changed in each individual's tale
to give one complete set of turbulences,
yet one coherent whole,
all paralleled universes
crushed flat into one huge cinnamon roll.
And the thought made me heave such a sigh
that my napkin just flew over the tray
and off the table down on the ground to lie.
The pretty girl went her way,
the old widow cautiously hers,
amid the habitual city-wonders
and the old sot went with the flux
and I was sat at the Starbucks.

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