It's been a long while.
Not long enough I can hear some say. Well, sure right you are, I
haven't missed you either. Yet for all I know, you might very well
have been craving my refractory, longitudinal diatribes for longer
than you'd care to admit. So without further ado, here it comes,
Ladies, Gentlemen and Poodles...
What Really Irritates
Me In Men, Women and Poodles, and Other Sartorial Considerations Very
Late at Night - Part 5
I know for a fact that
many of you have wondered, in this festive period, if you could push
your depravity to the point of asking for a pair of crutches for
Christmas. In the school I'm in, Oh boy they've become trendy, like
the latest, must-have accessory in any respectable fashionista
So, to my cross-grained
mind comes a question: How to casually use a pair of crutches, and
why? Perhaps, say, to attract pathos, eyes, attention? Mayhap you
want people to open up doors for you? Here's some of the postures
I've witnessed, which might be of some help to the newbies (because
obviously owning the crutches isn't enough, you've got to have
style). Step on
your heavily-bandaged foot, your elbows akimbo on your crutches, back
slightly bent over and crooked. Or, you can roll skull-printed
bandanas around the handles, with matching handbag and tee-shirt. You
can also remain the kind, helpful person who you've always been and
point to a direction to someone while still holding a crutch. Or hold
them diagonally so that people have to avoid any potential
shin-breaking crutch in a 4-metre radius. But I'm being sarcastic
there, for next to no reason, really. One warning, though, in all
this merriment: do not get too confident that nobody is there to see
you when you walk without as much as a limp without the said
crutches...there's always somebody, somewhere, to see you
(much-revered Murphy's Law) walking straight. And as much as it pains me to admit it,
I have seen this ridiculous tendency in women only. We men have yet
to find the crutch in us.
These postures will
enable your foot to take twice as long to mend, and it will actually
mend twice as bad, leaving you more than ample time to attract more
pathos...or boredom. And let me tell you this as straight as I can:
people don't care a straw, for they won't open up doors for you and
even though they may ask what in the world happened to you, it's only
because the weather's been the same for weeks now and because it
might be a great opportunity to snicker. Crutches trigger pathos in
sensible people for about as long as a blind poodle would.
Interesting, for about two and a half minutes. Right about the time
it takes to realise that at some point you'll have to lug the dratted
thing about (and for once, believe it or not, I'm not
speaking about the poodle).
Speaking of which, where
on Earth did all the poodles go? It's been a while since I last saw
one alive. As if someone had decided to put them out of their misery,
or as if their wanting genetic pool had finally hit them back in the
end, as some late-coming retaliation. Perhaps they deserve a place of
mention alongside the dodo now they're gone. IF they're gone. If you
see one, can you please send a picture my way? That's for the
obituary, thanks – or Part 6 of this series.
The other day, the
leaves were falling hectic orange and frantic yellow all over the
place, for Autumn had come. I like this season a lot, for the bright
colours, the fantastic sceneries they show or evoke. It's also a tad
dreary, by the same token, for you can now see the bare branches, the
knots and scars on the bark, the general sorriness of the leafless
tree. Slightly less majestuous without their shiny robe...somewhat
like everyone else on this planet. We can also note the equally drab
birds perching in there. All of this makes you less reluctant to park
your car under trees during this season. No fruit, no bird dropping
on your windscreen. So I parked confidently...and come evening I
damned those birds who could still find fruits in them scrawny trees.
Droppings of orange and red all over my car.
And the ones parked on either side of mine.
Luckily, it rained quite hard that night so my car was laved of their
evil-doings. The next day I paid especial attention and chose a
treeless spot. No tree, no bird; no bird, no dropping. When I saw
what had happened to my car in the evening, I knew the world was
making me pay for something. Bad karma attracts birds. For only
my car had been Pearl-Harboured. And the consistency (I'm passing over the details) of these
droppings excluded everything but fruits, or berries. How on Earth
could they find fruits in November so far up north? For Pete's sake,
even elderberries had been gone by then. Some mystery I'm still
paying for as we speak...there's no avoiding trees in this world.
Someone must pay.
And someone will pay,
someday, for their bungling up a McFlurry (jumping from pillar to
post, I know). Why is it that in McDonald's they always serve you a
McFlurry which is never flurried, the hollowed spoon sticking out
right from the centre, erect, ready to fit onto the flurrying
machine? Perhaps it's just a French language thing where they don't
care to see WHY it's called a McFlurry. In any case, this
defies any structural and gustatory sense: you can't remove the spoon
without actually taking half of the ice-cream out with it, along with
half the M&Ms (my all-time favourite) and the caramel topping.
While everything should be blended into one great flurry
(hence the name) of flavours, everything is stacked into one
one-taste-at-a-time, uninviting heap.
You feminists are
waiting for me now to spit my venom at men, a vulture-like look about
you, malice in your eyes. And while you could just look at us to find
enough fuel for your warmongering, I'm going to disclose what happens
in the Men's room. That should fuel it for a few days at least. While
few of us know for certain what happens in the Ladies', you mightn't
know either the delicacies that the observant can find in this
hellish place. Graphic details ensueing (so if you've leaving us now,
fare thee well dear reader, and may you find a safe path through this
nightmarish jungle of poodles, pigeons and crutches!).
The smell. First thing
to greet you. Ranging from ''just acrid'' to ''astounding
blocked-due-to-cold nose opener''. Sticky feet. Usually around the
wall urinals, but if you get lucky around, on or across the regular
bogs. The walls themselves, the doors, handles and partition walls
can be sticky too, so mind your fingers. Absolute absence of toilet
paper, at all times. Don't count on a forgotten newspaper, or on that
last leaf of drying paper – we've got airblades now.
There's many a different
style to roam the johns, but I particularly like the blokes who come
for the number one and either: 1- leave the johns altogether without
washing their hands 2- re-arrange their hair in front of the mirror
and then leave 3- don't wash their hands but still dry them in the
airblade (to avoid a potential case of sticky fingers, while I think
they're actually creating it) 4- start drying their hands but
realise they don't have time to do so – so use the back of their
jeans to wipe them clean. All before grabbing that door handle.
Differently, but not any
less efficiently, the blokes who come for a number two and 1- leave
the johns altogether without washing their hands (yeah, I know) 2-
have to wash their hands but prefer to dry them in the airblades
(remember my theory on sticky fingers?) 3- start drying their hands
but realise they don't have time to do so – so use the back of
their jeans to wipe them clean. I have also witnessed 4- the
necessitous who had to come here for a bossy number two, knowing full
well there'd be no TP and a faulty airblades, perhaps even no water
at all. I can't tell you the rest of that story, I still wake up at
night because of it.
I hope you had your fill
of filth (and I carefully avoided the subject of pubes smudging the
sink). As for me, I avoid public urinals like the plague.
I'm about to hit the
hay, and content though I be to have poured my bile over those and
that which irritate me, I'll still hold an intractable grudge against
poodles for not showing me the way to complete spleen. Godspeed.