Thursday, 13 October 2011


Namaste guys!

I know it's been quite a while since I last published anything on the blog, but being on Indian and Nepalese roads isn't quite as blog-enticing as I thought it would be. A great many things to see and do, especially here in Nepal. Many people to meet and to learn from and to listen to. Mountains to behold. Morning dew to play with. Temples and shrines and festivals to contemplate. Brightly-coloured prayer flags and snake-like incense wisps floating in the breeze.

'Tis fun, I have to admit, to have to stay in one place and getting to know the people. Spraining my ankle up there in Langtang wasn't such a bad thing, after all. Everyday I sip a cup of black tea with Krishna, help him at the shop (taking care of the shop for 5 minutes and then closing down yesterday night was quite something) and meet and greet the newcomers. Sometimes guiding some, like Shota, one of my Japanese friends.

Strange to say, I am not sad to leave them all on the 15th. Pokhara - and then Lumbini, the historic Buddha's birthplace - promise to be of note on my way back to India (Uttarakhand). Perhaps it is so because I know I'll come back to Nepal, sooner than later, and that like the Himalayas, some people remain immutable.

For a stranger reason still, Japan has never seemed closer to me than now. I really should busy myself learning the language. Natsuko, Shota, and even more importantly Yoko, domo arigato gozaimasu!

In the meantime, I hope you are all keeping well, and enjoying whatever you are doing, wherever you are. For those who are embarking on a trip around the world, the Irish people would say:

Go n-éirí an bóthar leat.
Go raibh cóir na gaoithe i gcónaí leat.
Go dtaitní an ghrian go bog bláth ar do chlár éadain,
Go dtite an bháisteach go bog mín ar do ghoirt.
Agus go gcasfar le chéile sinn arís,
Go gcoinní Dia i mbois a láimhe thú.

Which loosely translates:

May the road rise to meet you.
May the wind always blow at your back.
May the sun shine softly on your forehead,
May the rain fall lightly on your fields
And until we meet again
May God keep you in the palm of his hand.

If any Irish wants to tighten my translation and/or correct the text (not sure about the accents and it would be even more surprising if I haven't mis-spelt a bunch of words), you're heartily welcome!

Namaste everyone, and take care.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't think for a second that you would fail to turn this misfortune into some kind of rich experience.

    Once again, enjoy your freedom and the big elsewhere. Nothing more important.


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