Sunday, 7 August 2011


Hidden is the meaning behind the words.
Inscriptions chiseLled in the wind-beaten rocks,
Núra I erumessë yassë ilya coivië ná fantaina quildenen.

Some hidden God is bidding its time.
?&#g&*#c& w/‹‹ b& h/s, ߆†#. Pu#/∫&d sh*‹‹ b& th& cr/m&.
Soon means notHing shorter Than an Aeon when one is eterNal.

HiDDen Away in the parchments is the Revelation.
It was decrypted from clay tablets by a great mind,
ˎhturt eht edrehpic dna rorrim a htiw etorw ohW
بحيث لا شيء ولكن الباحث المثابرة تكشف عن ذلك.

... --- -- . -.-. .- .-.. .-.. .. - .-.. .. --. .... - --..-- --- - .... . .-. ... -.-. .- .-.. .-.. .. - - .-. ..- - .... .-.-.-

SecretS lying in the Alpha or in images of Ra
Gátur og leyndardóma sem hylja fyrir okkur.

MEssages are thought to riddle the nights –
Patterns draWn by the hand of Fate Itself –
Shapes withiN shapes like Déjà-vu or déjà-su
Superimpositions Of the details none notices
But those Who stare at the Space between The pictures.

Lie the mute constellations orienting to the TRUTH.

Nota bene: Treasures are worth both the efforts put in their concealment and the magnitude of the codes that seal them. Human hearts obey the same laws.

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