Thursday, 12 July 2012

One excellent quote

"The cure for anything is salt water -- sweat, tears, or the sea."

Isak Dinesen (pen name of Karen Blixen), author (1885-1962)

Thursday, 5 July 2012

Fiona Apple - Every Single Night

Here's Fiona Apple's official website (from which I took the following lyrics)

From observation to discovery, to History

What is the moon?

The whitish zigzags are made by night insects attracted by the neon lights.

"BOYLE:  I seen things, I seen things, Joxer, that no mortal man should speak about that knows his catechism. Ofen, and ofen, when I was fixed to the wheel with a marlin-spike, an' the wins blowin' fierce an' the waves lashin' and lashin' till you'd think every minute was goin' to be your last, an' it blowed and blowed - blew is the right word, Joxer, but blowed is the word the sailors use....

JOXER: Aw it's a darlin' word, a daarlin' word. 

BOYLE: An' as it blowed an' blowed,  I ofen looked up at the sky an' assed meself the question - what is the stars, what is the stars? 

JOXER: Ah, that's the question, that's the question - what is the stars? 

BOYLE: An' then, I'd have another look, an' I'd ass meself - what is the moon?

JOXER: Ah, that's the question - what is the moon, what is the moon?"

Sean O'Casey, Juno and the Paycock, Act I (1924)

This is no longer home

On the train back to the old place unsure if any memory is left there Surely there must be an old cigarette burn hissing embers fusing ...