"'Writing' is the Latin of our times. The modern language of the people is video and sound."
Lawrence Lessing, attorney and political activist (Wikimania conference, August 2006)
"'Writing' is the Latin of our times. The modern language of the people is video and sound."
Lawrence Lessing, attorney and political activist (Wikimania conference, August 2006)
I've been looking for you in all the wrong places
down in the soggy dregs of coffee in my cup
I would try to tilt and turn the little bits
until they might shape into your face
but they dried so I had to give up
I've been looking for you in all the wrong places
up in the stars, connecting the dots to each
unsure if Vega was a good start or end
until I ran out of breath and space
as none were within reach
I've been looking for you in all the wrong places
into the bubbles of the foam in my bath
I would watch and listen to them pop
until I unsaw the mirrored gaze
and became Sylvia Plath
I've been looking for you in all the wrong places
through long nights of browsing Tinder
each ghost had something of you
until you would be effaced
drowned in cinders
I've been looking for you in all the wrong places
in between written words and musical notes
through hundreds of songs and poems
until I could no longer retrace
what I'm sure was a quote
I've been looking for you in all the wrong places
for you might have passed by in old Polaroids
I even checked VHS tapes and jigsaws
until no left-over puzzle piece
could surely fit the void
I've been looking for you in all the wrong places
in footsteps I never heard, in scented eaux
I never smelt, deaf and blind to signs
that you might not ever surface
until I have to let you flow
whoever I have known might have died somehow
whatever I have touched could have withered
whilst I was only trying to feel alive
half my existence has been dreamt
painful day-to-day wish to belong
and to be someone else, and with
somewhere and somewhen else
because I have always been sad
without genuinely seeing why
even though I do understand how
as dusk brings hordes of breathtakes
and dawn its defibrillating gasp
the desire to persist even though
it means anguish, hurt and longing
the imaginedeath of others
living a mess of shifting somethings
ungrasped only in the twilights
images conjured perhaps
real, perhaps,
but all there
all there
in my mind
Today I had weird thoughts about death.
Perhaps it was the bleeding.
Perhaps it was the heaving.
Or maybe it was the visceral fear.
The stain on the couch points to this,
like the birth of a red black hole.
I couldn't but swear though out of breath
as I saw my funeral rolling,
as I saw my friends in tears,
as I saw the blood dripping.
The pain in the guts attests to this,
like a gash made by a sinkhole.
I didn't have the heart to tell my friends
that there wouldn't be any ceremony.
This is not how I want my life to end:
the plan is to bury myself at sea.
They sure know this isn't the first time
I've had weird thoughts about death.
Yet they may not understand as they
haven't have to bleed
for four days straight.
The twang of whiskey
a testimony to this
the old, familiar smell.
The thoughts never totally go dumb
though the clots are now down the drain
the flesh grows pale,
the mind goes numb
at the end of each day, only the pain
I shall wait for the right tide
eyeing life and sea
from their respective shore
bracing away for the last ride
trying not to bleed too much
this is not the way the world ends
it ends when I say it ends
the pain today can go fuck itself
Someone once wrote that all beginnings and all endings of the things we do are untidy Vast understatement if you ask me as all the middles...