Sunday, 8 June 2014

What Really Irritates Me in Men, Women and Poodles, and Other Sartorial Considerations Very Late at Night - Part 4

Thank you, Cécile, for putting me back in the saddle! It has been a long while since I last posted in this section, and now my notebooks are full to the brim. High time I relieved them of their atrabilious content.

Ladies and Gentlemen and Poodles, here comes...

What Really Irritates Me in Men, Women and Poodles, and Other Sartorial Considerations Very Late at Night - Part 4

Aaaaah poodle, how do I love thee? I love thee not, indeed, but I love thee anyhoo for pawing me the material to my cantankerousness! How have I missed thee? I have missed thee not, of course.

The ostentatious joie de vivre these quadrupeds effortlessly display when they greet anyone borders on the indecent. Wait, it IS indecent. Why do they frolic about as if they'd found a pot of gold? I know every dog does that, but not to the extent poodles do, and not with a certain relish at their own excitement which make their eye lustre...I guess the absence of survival instinct must be accounted for. On a different topic, I heard recently that the smaller the breed, the longer they live...dear Lord, protect us from tininess.

A good friend of mine directed me to a silly page on the Net ( The story has it that a poodle named Cachi fell from the 13th floor onto a woman's head, unexpectedly killing her in the process. A passer-by was hit by a bus whilst beholding the stunning scene, and all this foofaraw caused a man to have a heart attack. This...article, for lack of a better word, is highly dubious and probably means to poke fun at an unfortunate series of events. Made me raise an eyebrow, I must admit. Because I believe that the said poodle must very well have been trying to greet the woman below with a well-deserved hug, and must have greatly misjudged the distance. I don't think this is beyond their capacity. Doesn't say if the dog survived, though. Tough little blighters, might have, for all I know.

It does seem I can't get enough of poodles, doesn't it? Well, believe it or not, I still haven't exhausted what seems to be an antediluvian hostility against them. But let's move onto other things which nark me to no end, for if I don't do it here and now, it'll start growing on me...and I'll turn into my great-grandma, which will be way more unfortunate than Cachi hurtling down on someone's head.

I recently joined a dating website. That wouldn't be such a great deal if this hadn't sparked a helluva lot of concerns. For instance, why on earth must fifty to sixty percent of all the pictures in there show a woman, age ranging from 18 to 50+ with
  • rounded or pouted lips
  • her index and middle finger held in a V shape near said mouth
  • rounded, glittery eyes
  • heavy make-up
  • tilted head
  • a blinding flash?
There should be a limited number of selfies allowed. I know that the first selfie to be shot was achieved by a certain Robert Cornelius back in 1839 (more accurately a daguerreotype), but man, why would you lovingly debase yourself in such a fashion? I know ridiculousness never killed anyone, and that which doesn't kill you makes you stronger, but ridiculousness DOES NOT MAKE YOU STRONGER AND NEVER WILL. This syllogism is a complete fallacy.

I understand the selfie-in-the-mirror trick though, for obvious, pragmatic purposes. But please, PLEASE, do pay attention to what's in the background! We don't want to see knickers scattered all over the place (actually we do), dildos (true story), a kitchen sink full to the brim with dirty dishes (another true story) or the general mess you live in. Which could easily make me rant against pictures of men sporting a dubiously immaculate whitish tank top over a dubious/sculpted/tattooed build, but as I haven't seen them myself, I'll deal with them hollow men later.

Something else which peeves the bejesus out of me is when I look up at the profile of a woman and it says...nothing. Just plain as day : Such-and-such – I can't discuss pseudonyms...I consider this way below the belt because they range from the purely pathetic to the downright ludicrous and/or ridiculous, though inventiveness ought to be lauded – well, Such-and-such hasn't filled in her profile yet. She's been on this site for six months, and she hasn't had time to write a single word? You kidding me? Too busy trying to take the right selfie? Duh. Sometimes a woman visits your profile, “likes” it, and you visit hers, as common courtesy wills it: no picture, no personal description, no desiderata. How do you want us to react to this buffet? How should we judge your “likeability”? What in this vast ocean of nothingness would trigger us to “like” your profile and make us think we would match?

Last diatribe and then I'm out for the day. However we lonely men appreciate the efforts some of you lonely women put into self-portraying your pushed-up cleavage, your long, spotlessly-shaved legs, your fluttering eyelashes and your smouldering look...we don't quite understand why you take the pains to specify in your description that you really DON'T want us to choose you because of your looks or to think you're superficial. And sunglasses, when worn, have that irking tendency to cover a part of the visage I tend to be interested in – but that is the sunglasses' fault, not yours, right?

See you soon for another piece of rambling harangue!

*keeps mumbling* 

Saturday, 7 June 2014


and sometimes
shards of love like shards of sun
warm the eyelids
lying down in the meadow
looking for shapely clouds
creased blades of grass underneath
the crickets' distant mellow
hands laid casually aside
spring like a diaphanous sheet
lingering over
lingering over
murmuring in one continuous breath
like the breath of a lover
whispering over your neck
words of love
warms words of love
like tepid rain
on a leaking umbrella
drops oozing onto your visage
tasting like honey
ageless words
sliver of smiles
kisses like flakes
fingers toying with those shards
catspawed hair toying with
those shards
of love, of sun
and the eyelids
blink twice, and open

Wednesday, 4 June 2014


no way this crass world is keeping me
tongue tired of repeating again and
again tied
to the system of up and down
drown dried

i have delved into depths unmeasured,
and unmeasurable
where the breath is short
if not impossible
where space is equal
to the intake of breath
one can muster in
a four-thousand-fathom downfall

life, ruled by such equation,
is a logic
which died out
when the first oak leaf fell
long before
speech was inspired
long before
speech came to us
and died
and left us

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Sunday, 1 June 2014

Fragment #10

Equally tempted by hell and heaven, both ways paved with good intentions.

Friday, 30 May 2014

Fragment #8

“Now, how do you tie together the pieces of your life that were torn up from the canvas? You can't. Thing is, as hard as you wish that to happen, your life, once fucked up, is fucked up until the very end, until God comes to clear the mess you've made shooting right in your face. Truth is, you've really messed things up, son. You had everything a man could ask for. But you lied and you threw everything to the devil who welcomed such impetuous acts, such blind rashness with open arms. Your lies more than anything brought misery down upon you. You were trying to flee, to get away from the consequences of your lies, but you were the source, giving birth to ever more lies, and in the end you had to live all by yourself, for within a prison of lies you had carefully woven you found yourself trapped. Like a spider. You yarned it up all around you. And when I say 'in the end', you're what now? 35? This is the end, son. This is the end. You'll have none other than the self-hatred, the regrets and the solitude, the interminable waiting for a message which will never come, and you know it will never come. You'll have your books, which you'll grow slowly to despise, the writing which you will learn to detest and day after day you won't do anything else but this, read and write, read and write. And what you will write will be good, but compared to what it could have been, well, that's the thing: they're incomparable. The mediocrity you've always tried to shun and ward off, you'll end up to your neck in it. This is where your intelligence is leading you. I don't deny you're an intelligent person, but you're socially awkward, have always been awkward. Pretended to be ok and smart, but the ill-at-easeness was gnawing at your guts each time you met someone nice. You'll never be the one you're pretending to be. And none of your friends should, upon your death, judge you for the lies and the pretence, for you never really got to know yourself. Deep down, you were fucked up from the very beginning. You had no chance. Also, your friends asked way too much from you, but they knew where you'd been, and back. You're good enough to empathise, to put yourself into people's shoes, yet and because you can't be in your own shoes, you can't know what you feel because you've never been shown how to listen, how to look, how to love. In essence you pay a total attention to the rest of the world, and keep none for yourself. The first one who dropped down on you is yourself. Your averageness couldn't save you: you had to be mediocre in order to survive, but now the mediocrity has caught up with you, and you're dying. Miserably, at that. Your hands hurt so bad you won't tell anyone. Your teeth are all crooked because you haven't got any money to fix them. You can barely pay off your debts. Your family hardly ever calls you. Don't get me wrong: I'm not saying you're a failure. Some of what you wrote, and all of what you will pen in the few months before your death are going to mark this century. But you will leave your imprint as an inadequate, uncomfortable-in-his-own-skin man whose ambitions were always foiled, who always failed to make an impression deep enough to have someone stay by his side. A second-order mind in a third-rate world. You will be the last Romantic ever to roam this earth, with a splendid posthumous career. [...] Look at all those lies you said meaning to embellish your quotidian in people's eyes! Let me tell you: people are no fools. You're a see-through. Your life was sad enough as it was, there was no need to pour more syrupy schmaltz on top of it. But you didn't want to settle for anything less than pure, antique tragic. And some of the things that happened are nothing short of that – tragic – but the tinnitus rings on, son. You can pretend not to hear it, yet it echoes and vibrates and destroys. There, some unseen-before chaos inside of you, and I can tell, I've seen a few of those myself, within and without. There is no other way this can end up. You know it, son, I can see it in your eyes that you've known all along how it would end up. I'm not saying you won't need a great dose of liquid courage to achieve that, but it's all for the best. As much for you as for us. We can't spend whatever time we spend worrying about you, we have families to take care of, occupations to pursue, destinies to fulfil. Yours was a done deal a long, long time ago. You were not born to last. You've just kept on postponing it, even avoiding it, by some strange tweak of fate. But in the meantime you've written for the generations to come a simple message: don't waste your time on earth, just abre los ojos, hermanos, hermanas, and let the convoluted pseudo-Romantics perish in the flame of forgery, for there never was another Romantic after Keats but you. You know the world will be a better place without a tortured poet to heal and nurture. You're broken past mending, and we can't afford your breaking anyone've already done enough damage as it is, haven't you. You know she could have remained at your side, she could have endured your whimpering had you not cast her away for the third time. You knew that, but you couldn't help, could you. You saw she suffered staying with you, and you couldn't stand it. Ultimately, you were right to break up, for she had had time to renew herself, to rebuild what you had unwittingly and unwillingly torn down. You're like a wrecking ball, son, like an asteroid. Poor girl. But you had the sense not to inflict your self upon anyone else, and you'll pull ourself out of harm's way. Hell is paved with good intentions, you'll soon realise that. Your pacing to and fro will cease, your whiling away the time will also come to an end, much to our benefit. Your watching other people having fun, moving on in their life, wondering when it'll happen to you, all this will stop. The questioning will stop. The longing, the pain too. And you know you'd make a bad monk, probably not the worst, for some have set precedents unlikely to be matched, but as you've been averagely bad at almost anything you've ever stands to reason that you won't stand out being a bad monk. I wish you the best, son. This is going to be hard, let's face it, but you have the guts, you've always had the guts. You've shilly-shallied in your time, but not this once, and we both know you'll be brave facing the black one, and I don't know why, but you've never feared her, like you had come to terms with her before the terms were even defined. Perhaps that makes you the bravest of us, perhaps. Now come, it is time.”

Thursday, 29 May 2014

The world burns

The world burns.
The man, on the doorstep to his house,
– one hand in his pocket –
– the other holding a cup of tea –
watches the writhing flames
dance in the pale segment
of grey dawn.
The world has been burning,
day and night,
for thirty years now.
There seems to be no end to it.
The inky carapace of clouds
has not yet been breached,
the sun deemed dead,
the moon, gone.
The world burns,
and the man, in the cool breeze,
– his jacket flaps to an unknown beat –
ticks off another day in his mental calendar
– the exact number him only knows –
until the end of the fire.


Tuesday, 27 May 2014

The longest night

In the dim nowhere we stand,
erect like rows of pickets
or like sunbleached obelisks
in Luxor,
our parched skins
speak for themselves.

We look for a sign, alert,
our gaze floating over the dunes.
The searing sun is still hung high.

And we think we hear a voice
but it is just the wind hissing
over the sands:
“I will open my hand and
I will show you man in a handful of dust.”

We watch our palms,
watch the dying man's rake
the dying man's claw
the last stand
there is bitterness and damnation
in those raking fingers
the minutest scratch carving doom
in the halest flesh.

We know full well that
the dyer's hand, congested, swollen
and puffed like a bloated drowned,
only the lines on the dyer's hand
can show the way there –
where we have need go –
tumefied as a dier's hand.

To hold
a dier's hand is
nothing has a stronger grip
and a sadder release.

Somewhere, far away and yet visible to us,
the summer deck chairs are being brought in.
The wind swirls the napkins,
shakes the flowers in their makeshift vases.
The storm is massing in the East,
the horizon billowy and swollen and
streaked with claw-like arcs.
The first raindrops bloat the tablecloth,
contort and contract in unshapely waves.
The party shall continue inside the grange.

We lost the pace of the longest night of the year
face buried in 'kerchiefs,
unable to see through tears,
adversity pushing our gaze clean to the horizon.

the warmth of a stranger's hand
glimpsed at a cashier
exchanging notes
surprises us

like painted players stuck in a
dumbfounded, ridiculous
rigor mortis

the feel and the dream long gone
of water and that of the sand
rubbed in the palm of the hands
begin to fade

the desert and the country
make one, in the dier's hand,
united for one second
of agony, of glory.

Now we feel on our skin,
beginning, for us,
what we shall forever know
as the longest night

of our lives.

Saturday, 12 April 2014

Fragment #7

J'ai souvent du mal à viser aux toilettes
surtout quand, après quelques verres,
je suis un peu pompette.
Alors je pose mon derrière
au centre de la lunette
et fais ma petite affaire
en laissant place nette.

Friday, 11 April 2014


Suspended minutes in that hall
-- Like particles of dust --
-- Ebbing, ebbing --
Busybodies of the void.
Those are people,
Passersby just,
Walking like androids.

Their pacing like compasses
Going wild in every direction.
Departured from all senses
Crazed, meaningless amplitude
Legs arching in unwise longitudes,
Strides like a polarised magnet
Repulsing any sort of attraction.

Love is e'er opposite where we face.
Love is that air we breathe
When we resurface
After a long time depth-gazing.
Floating in ether,
Forgetting, forgetting.

Gyring to the ground,
Music soft mirroring
The fall,
Echoing the friction.
To nothing bound.

People as fickle as feathers.

I used to think I needed a war
To die with honour
Or find out who I was,
My purpose here.
I would have started this uproar
Had I not seen you against that wall.
It is not your beauty which stopped all,
It is the look into your eyes
Which made wars meaningless.
This look you still have to this day,
Yet no longer war dwells in me.

The both of us have seen
The east sleep
And the faint sliver of light
In the west, on the train
Bound homewards
Where silence used to preside.

Often you wondered what given
Lit window would harbour,
What life unrolled behind it.
Once we saw a silhouette
Carrying a bundle of linen.
It might have been a toddler.

Unsearching your hand into mine
Love was found among the dust
All ready.
Nothing around us fussed,
We were just in suspension,
Two particles in suspension.

When I was single I used to rue every hour
That passed by without you
-- Long before knowing you --
Even when I spent the night with a her
Who wasn't you I was expecting you,
Looking for clues of you on other girls' bodies,
In the fold of the neck or of the pubis,
Where I would later rest my head and sleep.

When I talked about love
I clearly didn't know what it meant
Trying to sound clever
To look knowledgeable
Yet I had to balance all
With what you'd come to represent.

Often you seem like a part of me
That was amputated by some devil
Before I was born
And, drawn like some split electron
Bound to be one again,
We found each other in this hall
And still two were made unity,
Asymmetrical matter made ideal.

But back into that hall,
Where people pass
-- Bindles of mess --
-- Forever stumbling but
Unable to fall --
Even though you and I are trembling,
I take your hand and hold onto it.

Nothing else can mean more
than your hand into mine
Here because it was inevitable
a call impossible to ignore
Than your lips against mine
in this hall where all pass forgettable
us to dwell oblivious of time.

This is no longer home

On the train back to the old place unsure if any memory is left there Surely there must be an old cigarette burn hissing embers fusing ...