Friday, 7 September 2012

Lay me back down

Lay with me
Like we used to
I'm so sorry
There, stay
Please let's hold hands
In the dark of us
We could pretend
To ignore the mess.

Lay me
Lay me open
To the wilderness
To the misshapen
There, lay me
Please stay
And remain for a while
Where I'll lay
With you I could smile.

Lay me back
Like an object in a shop
Deemed futile – to rest –
Lay me back and
Bring me what I lack
I need it to make it stop
To bring it all to waste
Please lay me back where I belong
Where together we used to be strong.

Lay me back down
On the sand
Fold my hands
Lay me back down
Just wash my face
Off any disgrace
Time has wreaked on me.
I wasn't an enemy.
Please lay me back down.

Lay me back down quietly,
Your hand cupped around
The nape of my neck, silently –
I know you'd have nursed the wound
Hadn't I been spellbound –
Keep your other hand where
You let the knife pound,
Where my heart and soul were –
That place which I thought unknown
There did you stab, pretty saboteur.

                   could you
                                           lay me

Serment d'Hippocrate

Je jure par Apollon, médecin, par Esculape, par Hygée et Panacée, par tous les dieux et toutes les déesses, les prenant à témoin que je remplirai, suivant mes forces et mes capacités, le serment et l'engagement suivants : je mettrai mon maître de médecine au même rang que les auteurs de mes jours, je partagerai avec lui mon avoir et, le cas échéant, je pourvoirai à ses besoins ; je tiendrai ses enfants pour des frères, et s'ils désirent apprendre la médecine, je la leur enseignerai sans salaire ni engagement. Je ferai part des préceptes, des leçons orales et du reste de l'enseignement à mes fils, à ceux de mon maître et aux disciples liés par engagement et un serment suivant la loi médicale, mais à nul autre.
Je dirigerai le régime des malades à leur avantage, suivant mes forces et mon jugement, et je m'abstiendrai de tout mal et de toute injustice. Je ne remettrai à personne du poison, si on m'en demande, ni ne prendrai l'initiative d'une pareille suggestion; semblablement, je ne remettrai à aucune femme un pessaire abortif. Je passerai ma vie et j'exercerai mon art dans l'innocence et la pureté. Je ne pratiquerai pas l'opération de la taille, je la laisserai aux gens qui s'en occupent . Dans quelques maisons que je rentre, j'y entrerai pour l'utilité des malades, me préservant de tout méfait volontaire et corrupteur, et surtout de la séduction des femmes et des garçons, libres ou esclaves. Quoique je voie ou entende dans la société pendant l'exercice ou même hors de l'exercice de ma profession, je tairai ce qui n'a jamais besoin d'être divulgué, regardant la discrétion comme un devoir en pareil cas.
Si je remplis ce serment sans l'enfreindre, qu'il me soit donné de jouir heureusement de la vie et de ma profession, hororé à jamais des hommes. Si je le viole et que je me parjure, puis-je avoir un sort contraire."

The Luminous Eye

"Television knows no night. It is perpetual day. TV embodies our fear of the dark, of night, of the other side of things."

Jean Baudrillard, sociologist and philosopher (1929-2007)

Thursday, 6 September 2012


Nothing takes the taste out of peanut butter quite like unrequited love.”

Charlie Brown

We should

"We should tackle reality in a slightly jokey way, otherwise we miss its point."

Lawrence Durrell, novelist, poet, and playwright (1912-1990)

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Johnny Flynn - The Wrote And The Writ

They're taking pictures of the man from God
I hope his cassock's clean
The burden of being our holy fellas
Your halo'd better gleam, better gleam

What of all those wayward priests?
The ones who like to drink
Do you suppose they'd swap their blood for wine
Like you swapped yours for ink, for ink

You wrote me oh so many letters
And all of them seemed true
Promises look good on paper
Especially from you, from you

The weight of all those willing words
I carried all alone
You wouldn't put your pen to bed
When we hadn't found our own, our own

Your sentences rose high at night
And circled round my head
The circle's since been broken
Like the priest before me is breaking bread

I'm being asked to drink the blood of Christ
And soon I'll eat his flesh
I'm alone again before the altar
Shedding all my old regrets

The last of which I'll tell you now
As it flies down the sink
I never knew a part of you
You didn't set in ink, in ink

The letters that you left behind
No longer shall I read
Your blood's between the pages
And I can't stand to see you bleed

And I'll soon forget what was never there
Your words are ash and dust
All that's left is the song I've sung
The breath I've taken and the one I must

If you're born with a love for the wrote and the writ
People of letters your warning stands clear
Pay heed to your heart and not to your wit
Don't say in a letter what you can't in my ear.

Alt-J - "Tessellate" (Official Video)


"The day the child realizes that all adults are imperfect, he becomes an adolescent; the day he forgives them, he becomes an adult; the day he forgives himself, he becomes wise."

Alden Nowlan, poet, novelist, and playwright (1933-1983)

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Still true two hundred years later

"The least pain in our little finger gives us more concern and uneasiness than the destruction of millions of our fellow-beings."

William Hazlitt, essayist (1778-1830)

Monday, 3 September 2012

Taste of the art

"Ah, good taste, what a dreadful thing! Taste is the enemy of creativeness."

Pablo Picasso, painter and sculptor (1881-1973)


  Someone once wrote that all beginnings and all endings of the things we do are untidy Vast understatement if you ask me as all the middles...