– the rage was always strong
more powerful than anything –
the rage made her /kiss/ the boy
and bite his lip and his ear
it also made her /miss/ the joy
of missing his playful sneer
– the rage made her b(l)ind
even when/as he was kind –
the rage was a /comfort/ after love
taking (over) the butterf/lies
her heart /racing/ from above
him boring into her eyes
– the rage (sometimes) fired /down/
/letting/ her chin up against the drown –
the rage powered her emotions
pushed her /over/ (and) beyond
made her curl up without motion
had her reach out /or/ despond
– it made her (feel) love(d) and hate(d)
– she /fuelled/ it lest it abate(d) –
yet she knew that one day
the rage would /depolarise/
– conquer her or fade away –
– what would happen to her
would she shine and rise
or so(m)bre and wither –
the rage – all she had ever known –
l/aid in wait, w(h)ir(r)ing –
watching over the /seed/ sown
– patiently (un)stirring –
trusting /only/ in the soil
to breed /solace/ and turmoil
– the rage /woke up/ into being /one/ night
knowing – she would one /day/ (dis)appear
her deed s(ole)ly to /darken and light/
/everything/ for her to /live/ loud and clear –
(dis)illusioning choice in the hea(r)t of the rage –
– the rage, no/w/t/h/er/e, (f)or n/e/ver –