Whatever memories you have of me,
they're now yours, and yours only. I have made myself forget them,
forever obliterated from my mind. I am no longer interested in your
friendship, in your company. Keep your social networks and
teeming-crowds revelries, amuse yourself in empty halls, break all
the oaths of presence when hardships strike down one who was one of
Vain promises of vain people, and empty
You are living in and fostering an
illusion which is propped up on your lack of knowledge in an age
where absolute connaissance is possible. Be dumb, be scared, and
alone with hundreds of friends who will never surround you, never
prop you up, never be anywhere near your deathbed.
You foolishly think you have the power
in your hands whilst you're holding onto thin air – your breath
really – and you don't count the instant between this breath and
the next.
Focus on your petty absolute
necessities, and leave me alone now. I am tired of chasing after
ghosts, of reaching out to your silhouettes in the dark, of looking
for hope in you. Yes, I am tired of you, and your posts, your
meaningless prattle and your technological whatnots.
I cut myself off of your world, and
retreat, and shall come out only when duty calls, and only then, and
commend you to a thousand devils until I forget about you altogether,
and start living in peace, for the first time in decades.
Yes, I have given up on what people
call life, without having so much as a clue about what it means. So
what? Not a single one of you have professed any allegience to it,
nor any wish to uphold its most basic standards. None has done
anything to embellish it. I have done my share, tried my best, and
I've seen you mar the work and my strengths are now spent.
Leave me alone, forever.